Gin Carrera+ (Carrera Plus) paraglider review (first flights report)

The Gin Carrera was recently modified by a new line set that supposedly tames its nature while retaining the original performance. Is the Gin Carrera+ (Carrera Plus) an upgrade? Flybubble team pilot Simon Steel reports.

"I was previously flying a Carrera medium (85kg-105kg) at about 96kg-100kg. I have since changed my harness to an Advance Lightness 2 so I flew the small Carrera + (75kg-95kg) at 94kg.

The risers are less fiddly and it's simple to launch or grab the A risers when ground handling. The wing rises slower than its older brother and is much easier for the heavy handed! The glider rises as a block and is easier to manage.

In the air the tips never went and when thermaling it gave a very well balanced and confidence-inspiring feel. It climbs very well, I found it easier in strong thermals and the brakes felt perfect (though this may be to do with being heavy on the small).

Speed bar is as smooth as the older model and you can blast along with confidence.

I had a day on the sea cliffs and managed to stay above everyone even with the heavy wing loading. I really enjoyed the small Carrera +."

The Carrera+ upgrade is available to all Carrera pilots.

More info on the Gin Carrera+ (Carrera Plus)

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