2 day weekend in July 2004. 4th Round of the British Paragliding Cup 2004. Venue: Crickhowell, South East Wales.

BPCup website and contact info

For more info, see the British Paragliding Cup website: www.bpcup.co.uk

Or contact the BPCup organisation: e-mail: [email protected]

Chairman - Richard Clarke UK Tel: (H) 01672 514847 (M) 07811 178 082

Treasurer - Gary Jackson UK Tel: (H) 01628 520573 (M) 07968 561322

Website - Simon Ford UK Tel: (H) 01235 850157 (M) 07775 618015

Quick Report by Carlo Borsattino

Although we had some very very pleasant flying on the Friday before the comp, and a few pilots managed to fly XC after the task was canned on the Saturday, there were no valid tasks for the competition.

On the Sunday, we were entertained by the three blind pilots who insisted on flying even though it was raining so hard that they dissapeared from sight when they flew more than a few hundred metres away!

Oh well, let's hope for better luck at the Scottish Borders round!...