Colombia Paragliding Tours 2020

Two Colombia paragliding tours are being organised by our good friends Ronald and Angelique of Action Paragliding in January 2020. First a 12 day Paragliding Safari with Ronald and Angelique, followed by a 12 day XCountry Tour with the addition of Carlo and Nancy from Flybubble in the cross-country playground that is the Cauca Valley. Join either tour, or both!

1. Colombia Paragliding Safari 2020 (spaces)

  • Dates: from 5th to 17th January 2020 (spaces)
  • Route: starting in Medellin, ending in Cali

Explore and fly over rich and varied landscapes and stunning scenery!

Combine paragliding from beautiful Colombian sites and getting to know the country and it's people. Experience a wide variety of flying areas with many possibilities, with Ronald and Angelique of Action Paragliding.

More details

2. Colombia Paragliding XCountry Tour 2020 (full)

  • Dates: from 19th to 31st January 2020 (full)
  • Area: Cauca Valley

Flying distances in the cross-country flying hot spot of Colombia!

This fabulous XCountry Tour is organised and run by Action Paragliding (NL) in collaboration with Flybubble Paragliding (UK). Together we are able to offer you something unique: highly skilled XC guidance combined with a superbly organised trip and stunning scenery!

With four instructors we can offer the whole package of complete XC guidance: pre-flight area and site briefings, assistance on take-off, XC leaders in-air and last but not least private retrieval.

Top level XC pilots Carlo, Nancy and Ronald will lead the group on XC flights. Pilots can benefit from additional XC tips and in-flight inspiration to help them get more out of their flights. They will be fully supported by Angelique on take-off so they can launch relaxed and focus on their flights.

So do you want to improve your XC skills or just have a great time making long distance flights? Then this is your chance to fly with the pros and 'follow the leaders'! Learn from their tactics by observing their route and decisions from close by.

More details

We don't have a promo video for this tour, as such, but Carlo's review of the Phi TENOR light, filmed in Colombia during the last XCountry Tour, gives a pretty good idea of what to expect!


Flying Conditions in Colombia

Colombia provides a fantastic range of flying conditions, from light thermaling to big climbs, from morning descents to massive glides across serene countryside, from mellow cloud-chasing to sometimes rowdy afternoons as the sea breeze advances.

Action Paragliding

Nancy and Carlo at Flybubble have flown and worked with Ronald and Angelique of Action Paragliding before and found them to be well-organised, very helpful and great fun!

Photos from Colombia Paragliding Tours

Check out some photos from of our previous Colombian paragliding trips - some of our favourite memories!

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