Special congratulations to Helen James for achieving her BHPA Club Pilot rating...

6th & 7th December 2008 : A Great Weekend's Training & Flying!

The weekend of Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th December 2008 turned out to be great for training and flying!...

Special congratulations to Helen James for achieving her BHPA Club Pilot rating last Saturday, well done Helen!

On the same day Oliver Polden and Lorraine Eaton did their first high soaring flights, with Lorraine getting to the 'top of the stack' (i.e. higher than everyone else) and Oliver managing five flights and four top landings!

Well done also to Karl Erlandsen and Owen Wilson for completing their first high flights last Sunday.

To all of our paragliding students still trying hard to acheive their CP keep trying and book in as soon as possible!