This was the largest triangle with 107.7km, a speed record of 15.7km/h for a 100km triangle, and since she expanded the designated task given before the start, it was also a record for a free triangle of  119.2km.

A World Record Dream... Becomes Reality!

Renate Brümmer, known by almost everyone as "Nina", has once again caused quite a stir on the paragliding scene.

Last year, she flew to 2 German records, and on 31.7.2010 she flew to a new German, 3 European and 3 world records with her Skywalk Cayenne 3 from Speikboden in South Tyrol/Italien, a duration of over 7 hours. This was the largest triangle with 107.7km, a speed record of 15.7km/h for a 100km triangle, and since she expanded the designated task given before the start, it was also a record for a free triangle of 119.2km.

Nina on her flight:

"It has been my dream for a long time to fly a paragliding world record, but that I was able at the same time to fly to 3 World- 3-European, and 3 German-records, I would not have dared to dream. It is not easy to fly a record flight."

"The work begins at home on the computer working out the task. Where can you achieve which task? The Alps offer many triangles.  If you are standing on the right day on the right mountain, you need a witness who can confirm the task for the record attempt at the start. Then the task must be flown with GPS Documentation. Each turnpoint is surrounded by a cylinder of 400m radius, and you must fly into this cylinder."

"The flight itself was a dream. Very little wind, dependable thermals, no real hammer thermals and therefore it was not too turbulent - what more could you ask for? The air was cold (which is not so great at high altitudes, since I get cold easily even with warm clothing) and therefore I had unusually clear air with good visibility."

"The view to the north to the main ridge of the Alps and to the Dolomites in the south was awesome on this day, so I decided  to also extend my flight to the Kreuzkofel. I could not simply turn around at this gigantic crag and fly back in the direction of Speikboden. I had to enjoy the view of this impressive mountain a bit longer so I flew further south along the edge of the cliffs. By doing this I downgraded my announced speed triangle, but expanded my free triangle."

"The German Hanggliding Association has certified everything and forwarded the required materials on to the FAI (Fédération Aéronautique Internationale) in Lausanne. Unfortunately, it could take some time until the FAI processes the record and it is recognised. Until then I just have to wait and with the records comes the big party."
