Mark is well known in the UK as one of the very best British paraglider pilots we have. Not only is he one of the best in terms of cross country and competition flying, but he is also one of the most skilled in terms of glider control, not just in terms of 'acro' but also in terms of dealing with flying paragliders in demanding conditions.

Mark has won the National XC league once already (and looks set to win the 2003 XC League again!) and has been on the British Team on several
occasions, often ranking highly.

Added to al of his skills as a pilot, Mark is an excellent fly-guide, very willing to pass his mass of experience and knowledge onto others. He is extremely helpful and able both on the ground, assisting pilots on take off, and in the air, keeping an eye on everyone and helping pilots to improve their thermalling and cross country skills.

About XC virtuoso, Mark Watts:

Mark is well known in the UK as one of the very best British paraglider pilots we have. Not only is he one of the best in terms of cross country and competition flying, but he is also one of the most skilled in terms of glider control, not just in terms of 'acro' but also in terms of dealing with flying paragliders in demanding conditions.

Mark has won the National XC league once already (and looks set to win the 2003 XC League again!) and has been on the British Team on several
occasions, often ranking highly.

Added to al of his skills as a pilot, Mark is an excellent fly-guide, very willing to pass his mass of experience and knowledge onto others. He is extremely helpful and able both on the ground, assisting pilots on take off, and in the air, keeping an eye on everyone and helping pilots to improve their thermalling and cross country skills.