I got to the hill around 11am - rather late for a good cross country day...

Arriving at the hill

I got to the hill around 11am - rather late for a good cross country day (yes, that's late I'm afraid!) to see the usual squadrons of para / hang gliders already about, filling the skies and covering the hill like a swarm of hungry locust. Sigh...

As I arrived, only two fine fellows had managed to climb out so far - Dave 'The Mad Farmer' Watts (father of Mark Wagga Watts), and Dave 'Once Hairy and Scary, Now Slick and Shaven' Lewis, on his Airwave Mustang.

Having both managed to get up, the Mad Farmer tried ambitiously pushing back into the strong headwind - unfortunately, rarely a successful endeavour on a paraglider! He was summarily and unceremoniously drilled by copious amounts of wind and heavy sink, ending up back over the hill with not much more height than from whence he started.

The Beardless One watched this with great interest from above and behind, as he continued to work any bits of lift he could find, and decide to take a different gliding line, pushing instead towards Alfriston and some good looking clouds. He didn't get drilled at all on the glide, and found some nice climbs which kept him up high when he got there, with the skies all to himself... But not for long - ha ha!