Choose The Right Paraglider

With so many paragliding wings to choose from, finding the best and right paraglider can be a real challenge, even for experienced paraglider pilots. It's all too easy to make a mistake which might end up costing you dearly. The right paraglider for one pilot is not necessarily right for another. It might even be very wrong!

In this series of articles, and accompanying videos, we demystify the paraglider selection process by consider various aspects that affect your choice. First we look at paraglider classes and compare performance. Then we investigate weight ranges and wing loading. We then analyse handling and safety. Finally, we give tips on how to make the most out of test flights.

NB: These articles are not meant to be an exhaustive analysis of every aspect of paraglider wing selection and paragliders. That could easily take up a whole book! It has taken us many years to gain the level of experience and detailed knowledge which we have. In that time we've flown many hours and tested very many paragliders. This series is meant to offer all paraglider pilots some good insight into how to choose the right paraglider for them.

1. Which paraglider class is right for me?

In our first article, we look at the differences between the various classes of paraglider, comparing them side by side. We offer an analysis of the differences between classes, and some guidance on how to choose the right paraglider class for you.

Read Paragliders: Which Class?

2. Comparing paraglider performance

In our second article, we compare the performance of some top paragliders in the same class, see how different they are, and how much difference it makes.

Read Paragliders: Comparing Performance

3. Paraglider weight ranges and wing loading

In our third article, we look at paraglider weight ranges and the effect that wing loading has on performance, stability and handling, and how to decide what's best for you.

Read Paragliders: Weight Ranges & Wing Loading

4. Handling

In our fourth article, we analyse probably the most subjective, yet generally the most important, aspect of choosing the right paraglider, wing handling.

Read Paragliders: Handling

5. Paraglider safety

In our fifth article, we investigate paraglider safety. What makes a safe paraglider?  We consider flight tests, pilot demands in active air, collapses, collapse resistance, recovery.

Read Paragliders: Safety

6. Paraglider test flights

In our sixth article, having considered the various aspects and made your choice, we give advice on how to make the most out of testing the wing you're considering buying, so you can end up choosing the right wing.

Read Paragliders: Test Flights

Buying the right paraglider

Want expert help choosing the right and best gear for YOU? Use our unique Flybubble MATCH service.

We offer a select range of the very best paragliders from the top paraglider manufacturers.

See the current range in the Wings section of our website. 

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