On the first day of the Bordairline in Tessin Chrigel set off towards the east in wonderful cross country conditions. His first turnpoint at Bormio in Italy clocked up 130 km; then he headed back as far as Sondrio in the Veltlin. This added up to a flight of more than 205 km! On the next day it was necessary to grapple with the remaining 80 km back to the start in Locarno. After a hike up to the takeoff Chrigel flew to Locarno and had already landed by 1 pm - lunchtime! He won the event with a total distance of 280 km (91 % covered in the air) ahead of Robert Heim and Martin Steinbichler. Hearty congratulations! Chrigel took part in the competition with his X-Alps OMEGA proto and a LIGHTNESS harness. Chrigel’s Google Earth Track

Chrigel Maurer wins the Locarno Bordairline

Chrigel Maurer wins the Locarno Bordairline

28.05.10 | With a 200 km flight Chrigel left the competition far behind, thus winning the first Bordairline of the season. Once again he relied on the new ADVANCE LIGHTNESS production harness.

On the first day of the Bordairline in Tessin Chrigel set off towards the east in wonderful cross country conditions. His first turnpoint at Bormio in Italy clocked up 130 km; then he headed back as far as Sondrio in the Veltlin. This added up to a flight of more than 205 km! On the next day it was necessary to grapple with the remaining 80 km back to the start in Locarno. After a hike up to the takeoff Chrigel flew to Locarno and had already landed by 1 pm - lunchtime! He won the event with a total distance of 280 km (91 % covered in the air) ahead of Robert Heim and Martin Steinbichler. Hearty congratulations! Chrigel took part in the competition with his X-Alps OMEGA proto and a LIGHTNESS harness. Chrigel’s Google Earth Track

Bordairline is a relatively new competition format, in which you have to travel as far away from the starting point and back again in 33 hours. Like the Red Bull X-Alps competitors can only fly or walk with their flying equipment (Hike & Fly). In the 2010 season there are four Bordairlines planned, with venues in Switzerland, Germany, Austria and Italy. An overall winner will be announced after the final event. ADVANCE will sponsor a LIGHTNESS harness for the top-scorer of the 2010 Bordairline series. The contest is organised by “Freiheit.cc“, the sport sponsoring division of Biotech.

The latest issue of Freiheit.cc magazine came out at the same time as the Bordairline event in Locarno, and it contains a test report of the ADVANCE LIGHTNESS harness. The new LIGHTNESS will be available at our dealers for testing from the end of July.


* All the Tracks and Results from the Locarno Bordairlinele

* More about the ADVANCE LIGHTNESS

* More about the ADVANCE OMEGA 8