As luck would have it, it turned out to be the best cross country flying day of the year so far from Southern Hang Gliding Club sites, and Carlo flew from the Devil's Dyke, just north of Brighton, to nearly Folkestone!

Paragliding Flight launching from Devils Dyke near Brighton landing near Folkestone!

Flying conditions on Tuesday 11 July 2006 were forecast to be very good for flying cross country (strong thermic conditions) and so Carlo took an opportunity to fly XC.

It turned out to be the best paragliding cross country flying day of the year so far from Southern Hang Gliding and Paragliding Club sites, and Carlo flew his DHV 2 paraglider from the Devil's Dyke, just north of Brighton in East Sussex, to Burmarsh near Hythe / Folkestone in Kent.

See Carlo's flight in the UK National Paragliding Cross Country League.

Flight date: 11 July 2006.