Our upwind glide to Monsieur Cumulus over Alfriston worked very nicely indeed!...

Drifting back towards Seaford

Our upwind glide to Monsieur Cumulus over Alfriston worked very nicely indeed! It succeeded in getting us both all the way back up to right near cloudbase, where we were welcomed by oodles of lift all around.

The ample lift we had found, and altitude it had gained us, allowed us the royal luxury of being able to simply relax and not worry too much about where our next climb was coming from, or what we were going to be next - at least for a few minutes!

With things looking very good for both of us, spectacular views all around, and plenty of height to play with, we just kicked back in our comfy flying-armchairs and let ourselves simply drift in the breeze, lazily circling in weak climbs which took us steadily towards Seaford...

The pictures opposite show some of the wonderful views sover the Sussex South Downs which The Beardless One and I were spoiled with as we drifted lazily back, from the lovely climbs we had picked up from near Alfriston, towards seaside town of Seaford and the Sussex coast.