When I took this picture, The Beardless One and I were up-high near the edge of Seaford...

High near Seaford!

When I took this picture, The Beardless One and I were up-high near the edge of Seaford, which is the town in the very foreground of the picture.

Looking west along the coast, Newhaven harbour arm is clearly visible, near the centre of the picture, and Brighton, Littlehampton, Worthing etc can been see off into the distance.

On this day, we could even see the Isle of Wight clearly!

After this climb, The Beardless One and I split up and headed different ways. As far as I could tell, he glided back towards the hill, in the direction of Firle Beacon.

Meanwhile, I decided that today was going to be the day I was going to try out something I've always wanted to do from Bo Peep - but it wasn't going to be easy, as I was about to find out!...