Jamie Messenger wins again on the Boomerang 8 in Germany

Jamie Messenger won the 'Franz Wanger Cup' at the Breitenberg, Germany. It was the first round of the German Nationals, and Jamie finished 1st, 2nd and 3rd on the three days to win comfortably.

Pilots enjoyed great racing conditions, with cloudbase up to 2800m and tasks of 55km to 89km. The Boomerang 8 excelled in the the strong valley winds and thermic conditions, as well as the very light end-of-day climbs on task 1.

Task 2 was classic racing through lee-side climbs, with a 'necky' final glide into wind.

Task 3 saw some very broken, punchy climbs; long glides into wind and a 15km downwind glide; at all times the Boomerang 8 was a winner!

Jamie Messenger has now won three out of three competitions this year with his Boomerang 8, and taken six task wins, and finished 2nd or 3rd in three more.

Competition homepage (in German)