I ended up landing towards the outskirts of Eastbourne next to the A259...

Landing and Retrieve

Photo: East Dean in bottom of picture. Eastbourne and Pevensey Bay in background.

I ended up landing towards the outskirts of Eastbourne next to the A259, on a small rise called Crapham Hill. Despite the name, it seemed an OK place to land to me - although I would have prefered to have not landed at all and made it back up to cloudbase, of course!

Surprisingly, it didn't take too long to get a lift - from a guy who used to do the electrics at my flat when I lived in Alfriston! He drove me all the way back to Alfriston, whilst he quizzed me about my flight, and dropped me off at the bottom of the South Downs Way.

From there I walked up and round the hill a short distance, where I found the wind was blowing nicely up the slope! I got my glider out, took off and soared up the hill, then flew along the ridge to Bo Peep hill and past everyone on take-off! I wonder if anyone thought I had made it back from Beachy Head!? ;^)

Well, unfortunately I didn't this time - but it was definitely possible, without a shadow of a doubt! A shame more people didn't try - someone might have made it. Maybe next time?...