Littam - 2010 Italian Champion

Many waited for what they would consider to be the most important paragliding event in Italy this year and once again they were not disappointed.

The 2010 Italian Championships were held in the famous village of Poggio Bustone, renowned for staging many international paragliding events. In a class competition and battling with strong winds Marco Littame astounded onlookers by opening for the very first time his new Icepeak 4 NS just minutes before the first practice task. Marco had a short test flight and when he was satisfied with the wing, he top landed, getting ready for the window to be opened. He then went on to fly the fastest practice time of the competition. In the following tasks and flying against many illustrious opponents Marco on his Niviuk glider finally and for the second year in succession finished the competition as the champion of Italy. Congratulations to Marco for this excellent result.

In the Sports class Tonin Moreno on his Niviuk PEAK won the Italian league, closely followed by second-placed pilot, Pintossi Piergiorgio, also on a PEAK. These superb results clearly reflect the incredible passion, commitment and talent of both pilots at this level.

We are also very proud to be able to say that Niviuk gliders have had a position on the winner’s podium in every Italian championship since 2006. The Icepeak, the Peak and the Artik have all been there and for this we thank every pilot who has the confidence and belief in Niviuk gliders.⟨=it