The flying conditions generally consist of a light prevailing wind, with a variable thermic breeze on the ground, and wonderful big easy thermals which are to be found in abundance! You often climb straight up in thermals, rather than been blown along, so you have to earn all your distance here!

The thermals generally range from light to medium strength (1-3m/s), occasionally stronger (4-5m/s plus). Cloudbase is usually between 1500m and 2500m AGL, although of course can sometimes be higher or lower.

The very light prevailing winds and usual complete lack of wind-sheer or inversion layers mean that the thermals are not all chopped up and there is relatively very low levels of turbulence considering the fantastic XC conditions.

As it is very warm, some people fly in only shorts and a T-shirt at cloudbase, although we recommend long trousers and long sleeved shirt. This is mainly to avoid getting sunburnt in flight, but also just in case you have to walk out through the bush!

Normal flying conditions

The flying conditions generally consist of a light prevailing wind, with a variable thermic breeze on the ground, and wonderful big easy thermals which are to be found in abundance! You often climb straight up in thermals, rather than been blown along, so you have to earn all your distance here!

The thermals generally range from light to medium strength (1-3m/s), occasionally stronger (4-5m/s plus). Cloudbase is usually between 1500m and 2500m AGL, although of course can sometimes be higher or lower.

The very light prevailing winds and usual complete lack of wind-sheer or inversion layers mean that the thermals are not all chopped up and there is relatively very low levels of turbulence considering the fantastic XC conditions.

As it is very warm, some people fly in only shorts and a T-shirt at cloudbase, although we recommend long trousers and long sleeved shirt. This is mainly to avoid getting sunburnt in flight, but also just in case you have to walk out through the bush!