PEAK 2. Flying high and long.

The Peak 2 is already here and the first flights are showing its potential.

UK Pilot, Barney Woodhead, flew 121k to the coast from Derbyshire on Sunday 22nd August 2010. It was only his second flight on his new Peak 2 24. Barney says the only thing stopping him flying further was the North Sea! 

See Barney's flight in the Leonardo XC League.

Some comments from Barney about the Peak 2:

“The Peak 2 is a completely new glider.... it is very fast at trim, and the bar is soft and sweet giving very progressive speed control. It rolls up nicely in turn without any dive, making tight turning very efficient and smooth. The Peak 2 is great fun to fly and the performance is awesome, I had no idea it was going to be so much better than its’ predecessor. Thank you Niviuk!”

Andy Wallis, from the UK, also comments on his test flight on a Peak 2:

“Construction looks excellent ... it’s very easy to manage on the ground... The glider carves the turn beautifully, has no tendency to dive into the turn, and should be excellent for exploiting weak lift... The wing is already fast at trim, and the instant you start pressing bar you notice the airspeed increases immediately – no delay... It feels solid and manageable at mid weight-range, and should make an excellent XC cruiser.”