Peak 2 the Serial Champion

The Peak 2 continues to conquer the serial class. On this occasion it was during the Ozone Corryong Open which was held in Australia. The perfect location of the iconic Mt Elliot the pioneer site for Australian competitions, near the legendary Mt Kosciuszko, where in 1990 the first Australian National Championships in Thredbo took place provided a 1st class competition.

Five tasks were scored out of six tasks flown and American pilot, Wesley Manzke who is now based in Australia with his Peak 2 finished ninth overall and first in the serial class. Congratulations Wesley.

The Peak 2 is accumulating wins and podium positions in all corners of the globe. We continue to receive excellent comments and views of pilots, highlighting the incredible passive security, the excellent handling and the tremendous performance of the Peak 2, which gives them the confidence to complete fantastic flights.

Thanks to all pilots, competing or not, who continue to trust the Peak 2 and Niviuk.

See the Competition web site and Results