I was a little disappointed that The Bearded One had not followed me...

Pushing East towards High and Over, Litlington and Jevington

I was a little disappointed that The Bearded One had not followed me, as the flight I was planning on attempting would have been so much easier with two of us!

Anyway, I glided towards High and Over, where I could see an interesting looking little cumulus cloud with some seagulls climbing under it, and found a nice climb.

I topped out at around 2800ft above High and Over, then pushed on towards Litlington, where there is a nice little ridge that faces roughly North, with a huge ploughed field below it, and which had a good cumulus over it at the time.

There was a tractor working the field and, still reasonably high, I found a rather broken climb, which developed into a good one, around 1.5 m/s average.

I topped out at 3300ft over West Dean, and pushed back into wind towards Jevington, over the tractor which was still working the field.

I got absolutely drilled on this glide, and got a bit low (around 800ft AGL), with masses of sink seemingly everywhere - as if someone had pulled a giant plug from out of the ground below me!