If you are wondering whether this trip is right for you, and whether you are right for it...

Suitable for me?

If you are wondering whether this trip is right for you - and whether you are right for it - in summary you should consider at least the following criteria…

What pilot ratings / licence do I need?

You will need at least BHPA Club Pilot rating, International Pilot Proficiency Identification (IPPI) Para Pro level 3, or equivalent.

If you want to learn to fly with us in South Africa, and complete your BHPA Paragliding Club Pilot rating, then see our South Africa February 2011 LEARN TO PARAGLIDE course.

What 'level' of paraglider pilot do I need to be?

Although ideally you should have 10 hours airtime plus to make the most out of this trip, you don’t need to be an ‘advanced’ pilot or 'skygod'. More important are the following pilot skills and criteria, which you should feel reasonably confident about in yourself before signing up for this trip...

What skills do I need for this trip?

1) Take-off ability.
Although there should be an experienced pilot on take-off to assist you with setting up, should you wish them to, and to keep an eye on conditions most of the time, you will need to be able to launch reasonably competently in a variety of conditions, both forward and reverse. We will advise you on the conditions for the day as they develop, and give you our opinion on their suitability for you, but we will never 'order' you to launch. Remember, the final decision to take off will ALWAYS be your own!

2) Flight plans and decision making.
Although we will brief you about the area in detail at the beginning of the course, and the anticipated ideal flight plan before each flight, you will need to be able to follow your own flight plan independently, and make sensible decisions about where (and when) you choose to fly - or not fly! Never forget, you are the pilot in command, the one who is actually pulling the strings, at all times!

3) Landing.
You will need to be able to set up your own landing approaches into a variety of landing areas and avoid any potential obstacles. For any cross country flights landing areas will be, by definition, varied! Depending on how safety conscious you are, and how late you leave the decision to pick out a safe landing field, you could end up having to land in a small field with many obstacles in and/or around it. Of course you can avoid this predicament by choosing a larger field earlier on, rather than flying low over tricky landing areas!

If you have any questions then please Contact Us

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