We started the day at Firle with our students managing some lovely high soaring flights, practicing slope and top landings, then the sea breeze came in so we moved to Mount Caburn....

With a fantastic run of good weather for weeks in the South East of England - much better than they have been having in France, Spain and northern parts of the UK - Sunday 15th June 2008 turned out to be another fantastic day's flying...

We started the day at Firle where Oliver Rodbard did one 'top to bottom' (T2B) high flight, ending with a very nicely executed slope landing, and Jenni Fleming did one fantastic soaring and thermalling flight with a lovely top landing. The sea breeze came in (making the wind come from 'over the back' of the hill) so we moved to Mount Caburn.

At Mount Caburn, Oliver did three 30+ minute soaring flights with two good slope landings and then ended the day with a very nice T2B. Jenni did two 30+ minute soaring flights with slope landings and then one short soaring flight before flying down to the bottom with the best spot-landing of the day, to complete her CP! :-D

AND our 'day 2' students had a really good day with Greg and Nancy at Firle. Well done to Ian Organ, Nick Byrne and Ian Message who all managed to do their first solo flights!

PLUS the wind and weather also allowed me to get all three tandem flights done, with really good flights and very happy passengers, which was really great! My fabulous passengers on this day were Jennifer Guiver, Paul Haythornthwaite and Amelie Severing - very nice meeting you all, and taking you flying! :-)

What a fantastic day - more like that please!