wood valley Denali harness

The Woody Valley Denali is a lightweight, minimalist mountain harness that excels in portability and simplicity, but demands careful handling and setup. Often referred to as a "string bikini" harness due to its stripped-down design, it weighs only a few hundred grams, making it extremely light and compact. However, this harness comes with compromises in ease of use and comfort, especially for extended flights or ground handling.

Design and Build

The Denali is made from thin straps with minimal padding, which contributes to its low weight but can cause discomfort during prolonged use or ground handling. The harness is designed to be as simple as possible, with the intention of reducing weight to a bare minimum. This minimalist approach means it lacks the cushioning and features found in more traditional, heavier harnesses, leading to potential pinching and discomfort during ground handling.

Setup and Use

Setting up the Denali requires careful attention. The straps can easily become tangled, and putting on the harness involves threading your legs and arms through the correct loops while ensuring that everything is properly aligned. The harness includes carabiners and a speed system, although the latter is optional and adds complexity to the setup. The speed system itself, while functional, requires additional care to prevent it from interfering with the rest of the harness.

One of the notable aspects of the Denali is its adjustable speed system with Brummel hooks. These are not the lightest option available, but they are very easy to adjust mid-flight, offering a balance between convenience and weight. If desired, these hooks can be replaced with a simpler knot system to further reduce weight.

Comfort and Performance

Despite its minimalist design, the Denali is surprisingly comfortable in the air, especially considering its weight class. While it is not as plush as a more substantial harness, it does provide adequate comfort for short to medium flights. The harness naturally positions the pilot in a reclined, "scooped" posture, which feels comfortable once you adjust to it, though it can make transitioning to an upright landing position more challenging.

However, the Denali is not designed for long-duration flights. Its minimalist structure means that it is best suited for quick mountain descents or shorter flights rather than cross-country flying or extended thermaling sessions. The lack of padding and thin straps also make it less than ideal for ground handling, as the harness can pinch and become uncomfortable under the increased strain.

Portability and Storage

One of the main advantages of the Denali is its portability. The harness packs down to a very small size and comes with a compact storage bag, making it easy to carry in a backpack. There is a minimal amount of storage space within the harness itself, which is just enough to accommodate essential items but not much more. This makes it an excellent choice for pilots who prioritize weight and space savings, such as those embarking on hike-and-fly adventures.


The Woody Valley Denali is a specialized harness that excels in scenarios where weight and portability are the primary concerns. Its minimalist design makes it ideal for mountain pilots looking for the lightest possible gear, but this comes at the cost of some comfort and ease of use. While it performs well in the air, it requires careful setup and handling, and is less suited for ground handling or long flights. Overall, the Denali is a well-engineered piece of equipment for those who need to travel light and are willing to make some compromises in exchange for reduced weight and bulk.

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