XC guidance and advice will be tailored to suit the individual, and we will do our best to guide and assist everyone in the group, whatever their level of skill or experience. Carlo is a BHPA Senior Paragliding Instructor of 9 years standing, has run many XC courses around the world over the years, and has been official 'Mentor' for the British Team. Mark is well known as one the of the UK's finest cross country and competition pilots, has been in the British Team on several occasions, used to be a full-time BHPA paragliding instructor, and is an excellent guide. Between the two of us, pretty much all levels can be covered.

For those who want it, we can also be give complimentary theory sessions on general flying, thermalling, glider control, and XC technique. If required, we will also give coaching aimed at the individual, with hints and tips on how to improve their flying skills in general, covering everything from launching to landing and all the bits in between!

You can be assured that there is a GREAT DEAL to be learnt and gained from this course, and your guides, and you should come back to the UK fully primed and ready to make the most of the 2004 British XC season!

XC guidance & help with general flying skills

XC guidance and advice will be tailored to suit the individual, and we will do our best to guide and assist everyone in the group, whatever their level of skill or experience. Carlo is a BHPA Senior Paragliding Instructor of 9 years standing, has run many XC courses around the world over the years, and has been official 'Mentor' for the British Team. Mark is well known as one the of the UK's finest cross country and competition pilots, has been in the British Team on several occasions, used to be a full-time BHPA paragliding instructor, and is an excellent guide. Between the two of us, pretty much all levels can be covered.

For those who want it, we can also be give complimentary theory sessions on general flying, thermalling, glider control, and XC technique. If required, we will also give coaching aimed at the individual, with hints and tips on how to improve their flying skills in general, covering everything from launching to landing and all the bits in between!

You can be assured that there is a GREAT DEAL to be learnt and gained from this course, and your guides, and you should come back to the UK fully primed and ready to make the most of the 2004 British XC season!