After another busy week for the Flybubble Crew, and an over-breezy Friday afternoon, it was looking like the wind should ease and it become nicely flyable in the evening. Yippee!
Flybubble customer Tim had travelled down all the way to us from North Yorkshire to benefit from our unique and personal service, the huge range of great kit we have in stock, and a professional harness fitting session. After talking through the various options, and trying out some kit, Tim was pleased to end up with an excellent part-exchange deal on his old kit for new, perfectly-matched and lighter equipment.
Keen to do more XC flying - now more of a real possibility with his fab new kit - Tim also decided to upgrade his beloved SYS'GPS V3 to a SYS'Nav V3, mainly for the airspace and navigation features, to help guide him on his way.
We made sure everything was set up correctly for Tim, and fitted his new speed system and new reserve into his new harness as part of the service. The Flybubble Crew also answered Tim's questions and gave him lots of helpful tips on how to get the best out of his new equipment, improve his technique, and generally get the most out of his flying!
As always, the Flybubble Crew had new kit to try out and test for reviews etc, including our brand new Advance SIGMA 10 demos, which we're excited very about! Plus had some new wings to carry out our professional dealer checks on for Flybubble customers; in this case Nova Phantoms in sizes XS and L (Carlo has also been flying our demo size S).
Nancy was also very keen to try out our new tandem wing, an Advance BIBETA 6, especially since Carlo had been telling her how fabulous it is!
We loaded everything into the Flybubble van, including Tim and his new kit (Supair Leaf, Advance PROGRESS 2), and headed to the hill. First we spent a little while ground handling in the landing field, which allowed Tim to familiarise himself with his new kit, and then all headed up to takeoff. Our timing was pretty good, as the wind had eased nicely. Nancy flew our new BIBETA 6 tandem, Tim got to fly his new kit (his grin visible from far away), and Carlo got his first flights on the SIGMA 10 (review to follow).
After flying we all went into Lewes for a delicious dinner. Another great end to another great day, hooray!
Tim later wrote: "Very nice meeting you and the rest of the team. I can't thank you enough for the service you provided me, talking about my requirements and setting my harness and reserve up... outstanding. I'm very happy with the gear I came away with and my confidence is all the better for it."
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